How to Create a Social Media Content Strategy That Resonates with Your Audience

By Kacie Berger, Social Media Specialist Sometimes it’s fun to live by the seat of your pants and go wherever the wind blows. But when it comes to your company’s social media strategy, it’s far more effective (and lucrative) to settle down and develop a cohesive strategy that encompasses your...


Bring Your Marketing Strategy
out of the Stone Age

Is your e-mail marketing strategy stuck in the Stone Age? If the methods your company chooses to use are outdated, your company will not see results. The following list will get you started on bringing your e-mail marketing strategies into the 21st century. Going Mobile Today’s society is a fast-paced,...


Coke Zero Dabbles in
Multichannel Marketing

Food and beverage companies predominantly focus on taste and presentation when creating ads, and Coke Zero has been no exception, until now. They have decided to take advantage of a multichannel marketing technique geared towards millennials that focusses on how the drink sounds as opposed to how it tastes. How...


Rules of Engagement:
6 Steps to Social Media Success

Social media has become the new standard of communication for both our personal and professional routine! Even more so than traditional means of communicating news, events and your life’s monumental moments; online posts endure and are readily available from the time you click submit. Just as you strive to maintain...


Home Sweet

As a leading positioning and advertising agency, we are always looking at the latest digital marketing trends and new social media applications in order to keep our clients in the know. Upon hearing of Facebook’s newly unveiled application, I took a closer look. As a response to the move from...


Social Media Search Engine
on the Horizon

Let’s say I am visiting Miami (-a dream in this cold weather), and I am desperate for a good Cuban sandwich. I could use Google to search where to go, which would most likely lead me to websites with the best SEO for a Cuban, which is fine. But I...